The #NSSfamily uses fitness as a catalyst to positively impact lives.
What certifications does the team at NSS have?​
The NSS Team of fitness professionals holds 21 top-level certifications. Continuing our education and staying on the cutting edge of fitness are a top priority for us here at NSS. Annually we attend multiple hours of clinics, conferences and seminars on both the state and national level.
Our certifications include:
4 - Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)
3 - Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
1 - Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA)
1 - Certified Personal Trainer (NETA)
2 - AT Ret (BOC)
2 - Reflexive Performance Reset Level 2 (RPR)
1 - Certified Functional Aging Specialist (FAI)
1 - Movement Integration Specialist (Z-Health)
1 - Movement Reeducation Specialist (Z-Health)
1 - Functional Training Course (TRX)
1 - Youth Fitness Specialist Level 1 (IYCA)
1 - Advanced Kettlebell Specialty Certification (NETA)
1 - Certified Women's Coaching Specialist Plus (GGS)
1 - Certified Management Accountant (IMA)