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June Clients of the Month: Dan and Angie Einerson

We are proud to honor Dan and Angie Einerson as our June 2021 NSS Clients of the Month!

Talk about a power couple! Angie is a bubbly savage; Dan is a straight up winner.

In Angie, we challenge you to find someone who has a higher level of friendliness, but also will push herself to reach the highest levels of her own potential.

She shows up early every day with a friendly smile and a “let’s go” attitude. Chatting with the other early risers before getting after her workout.

Combining her attitude and drive with how well she gives feedback and receives coaching cues has allowed her to push to amazing heights. It has been a joy to watch her work through workouts that even weeks earlier were tough, but because of the consistency and diligence of her work ethic are now significantly easier to complete.

Dan also joins the early a.m. crew to take care of his health, fitness and wellness before the cock crows. Focusing on moving big weights to get stronger while also staying lean and athletic.

You will find Dan joyfully engaging with his fellow workout partners, but never missing a beat when it comes time to focus and put in the work. Ever engaged in the process of “what and why” for his workouts, Dan has seen continual month over month progress.

While both Dan and Angie are individually deserving of the Client of the Month award, the grace and ease that they show working together to make sure they can each get their workouts in while working full time and having 3 little ones at home is what seals the deal on their co-honor.

Individually they make hard things look easy. Together they can seemingly do it all!

Congrats, and thanks for being a wonderful part of the

#NSSfamily Dan and Angie!!

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