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September Client of the Month: Jodi Gray

We are proud to honor Jodi Gray as our September 2022 NSS Client of the Month!

Jodi has been a member of the #NSSfamily for OVER a decade, yes she has surpassed her double-digit anniversary with us! That in and of itself is a true feat.

But it’s not simply longevity that has us honoring Jodi as our September Client of the Month and we want to share those reasons - or at least as many as will fit on the page!

Saying that Jodi consistently makes it to her sessions is an understatement. As a three-time-per-week NSS go-er, it’s a rare occasion to not see Jodi showing up with a smile (and early!) for all three of her workouts.

She understands that one of the main benefits of having a personal trainer is the accountability it brings and she maximizes that each and every week.

Along with staying on top of her scheduled sessions, Jodi approaches each workout with an open mind. Once she knows the task at hand, quickly turns to focused and intentional pursuit of the objective.

Or in most cases, a bettering of said objective! It’s not uncommon for Jodi to be given a specific number of sets on her conditioning series only for the coach to circle back to her to check in and hear she has gone above and beyond what was asked.

This is a characteristic Jodi holds true not only within the walls of NSS. But in fact across all facets of her being, including her professional life and her volunteer coaching career.

All the amazing attributes of a hard-working NSS client aside, Jodi also is known for nurturing and building up the culture we actively promote at NSS. Going so far as to share her experiences and encouragement with her entire family (who have been/are #NSSfamily members) and numerous friends and community members who can be linked back to Jodi.

Thank you for everything you do and the persistence and dedication you do with Jodi.

We are honored to have you as a #NSSfamily member and proud to have you as the September Client of the Month!

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