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Your Summer Prep Core Workout

It’s finally May!

It's expected that the sun is starting to shine more and more. We are spending more time outside getting the summer cabins ready, putting docks in, and thinking about enjoying the upcoming months out on the boat with our friends and family.

Then it hits us (BAM!). What have I been doing all winter?!

"I can’t be seen in a swimsuit! Although winter seemed to last forever… I can’t believe summer is already here!"

At this point, we all want to hit the gym HARD with some high-intensity workouts and a ton of “core” work.

“If I just bust my butt in the gym for the next month and focus on my abs, then I HAVE to see results (and fast)!”

The truth is, there is more to it than that. We should consider three factors when working toward those six-pack abs that we all would love to have.

In this order >>> Nutrition, Indirect core work, and Direct core work.

1. Nutrition

Nutrition is key when it comes to losing weight through the mid-section. As much as we would love it to be true, we can’t out-work a bad diet.

There are many important things to consider when thinking about the nutrition aspect – portion control, calorie intake, macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), and what we are putting into our bodies.

Start small; don’t tackle it all at once. If you’re going out to eat every day, start there. Limit the amount of meals you eat out each week.

If you consider the food you eat to be “pretty good,” then look at the portions you are eating. Set yourself up for success!

Those are just a few examples. If help is needed in this area, we have the perfect habit-based nutrition program for you! (learn more HERE)

2. Indirect Core Work

Weight training, such as squats, deadlifts, kettlebell work, etc., all require stabilization through the core.

If you perform these functional movements with good form, you are letting the core do its job, which strengthens it. Brace, breathe, and be conscious of your body in your workouts.

Focusing on indirect core work will strengthen the core and help you feel comfortable in that new swimsuit!

3. Direct Core Work

Lastly, direct core work. Who doesn’t love to bust out a bunch of abs in the gym? The next day, you find yourself laughing and must try to stop because it hurts. Your abs are sore. What a wonderful feeling!

As stated earlier, direct core work is not the most important thing to focus on when working toward that “beach bod”, but it does have its place.

Just like any other area of the body, if you want to see changes, you have to train that part of the body. Mix it up and throw some hanging abs and side plank crunches into your next workout.

Focusing a piece of your workout routine on your mid-section is important – just remember, nutrition and indirect core work are also key factors if you want to tighten that mid-section!

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