We are proud to honor Lisa DeKrey as our April 2021 NSS Client of the Month!

Lisa has amazed us since day 1 with her attitude, strength, and dedication to being the best version of herself.
You’d be hard pressed to find Lisa without a smile on her face and she is always encouraging others around her whether it’s the first time she’s met them or known them for years.
One of the most impressive traits of Lisa is that this woman doesn’t let anything get in her way!! A few short months ago Lisa was homebound due to an injury and she STILL made sure to get in her workouts and make time for herself.
She has high expectations for herself with her goals both in and out of the gym and it shows through with her consistency week in and week out.
Throughout the past couple of years at NSS she has developed a passion for bench pressing and is making leaps and bounds towards her big bench goals!
Outside of the gym Lisa shares our philosophy of serving and giving all that she can to those around her. Lisa pours her heart into the community and we appreciate her giving spirit in so many ways.